The Private History of a Campaign That Failed
Title : “The Private History of a Campaign That Failed” Author : Mark Twain Setting : The story takes place in Marion County, Missouri during the Civil War . It revolves around a group of inexperienced militiamen called the Marion Rangers . Plot Summary : The Private History of a Campaign That Failed" by Mark Twain is a poignant and satirical account set against the backdrop of Marion County, Missouri, during the tumultuous era of the American Civil War. The story unfolds through the eyes of the narrator, reflecting on his experiences as a member of the Marion Rangers, a group of inexperienced militiamen thrust into the chaos and uncertainty of wartime. The setting of Marion County serves as a microcosm of the divided nation, where the ideals of bravery and patriotism clash with the harsh realities of conflict and human frailty. Led by the youthful and earnest Lyman, the Marion Rangers embody the hopes and fears...